St. Regis 4th Qtr Band Update

Any 5th grader is invited to participate in Academy Band before school at 7:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Any 6th-8th grader is invited to participate in Advanced Academy Band at 7:45am on Wednesdays and Fridays. Siblings are always welcome to come to the music room and wait until 7:50am before heading to their homeroom. That way you can beat the carline and you don’t have to sit in the parking lot.
We will not have Academy Band or Adv Academy Band before school next week, March 10-14. We will resume the following week using our current schedule (Academy Band Tuesday/Thursday, Advanced Band Wednesday/Friday).
We are getting ready for our Spring Music Concert on May 14 as well as another field trip TBD. We are determining interest in going to CedarPoint again or doing a fun field trip closer to home. If you have any opinions or ideas one way or the other, please let me know.
Posted in Academy Band, Band

Academy Band Clinic

Academy Band students traveled to Brother Rice and Central Catholic HS to perform and receive feedback from the band directors. Then students enjoyed good and games at Dave and Busters! The students represented St. Regis very well!
Posted in Academy Band

Academy Band Clinic – March 6

The Academy Band will be participating in a band clinic field trip on Thursday, March 6, during the school day. We will need volunteer drivers to assist with transporting students to Detroit Catholic Central HS and Dave & Buster’s in Livonia. We will be leaving from St. Regis at 9:15am, so drivers should report to the school and check-in at the front office at 9:00am. 

The cost of the trip will be covered by donations. The cost per person is $22.99 which covers food and games at Dave & Buster’s. This is the suggested donation amount; however, no cost is required for students to participate. This is the cost for drivers also. So if you are driving, please consider donating the suggested amount for you and your student. Donations can be sent via Venmo to @ScottBley (phone ending in 5212). Any amount raise above the actual cost will be transferred to the St. Regis Catholic School music department.

The rehearsal schedule and field trip itinerary are listed below. Please note – there will be no Advanced Academy Band Rehearsals on Wednesdays and Fridays. Advanced Academy Band students need to attend the Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals this week and next week
  • Tuesday, February 25, 7:45am – Academy Band Rehearsal (all field trip participants need to attend)
  • Thursday, February 27, 7:45am – Academy Band Rehearsal (all field trip participants need to attend)
  • Friday, February 28 – All field trip permission forms, driver forms, and donations are due
  • Tuesday, March 4, 7:45am – Academy Band Rehearsal (all field trip participants need to attend)
  • Thursday, March 6 – Field Trip Day
  • 7:45am – Academy Band Rehearsal (all field trip participants need to attend)
  • 8:15am – Walk to Brother Rice
  • 8:30am – Clinic with Mr. Sadler, Brother Rice Band Director
  • 9:00am – Walk to St. Regis to regroup
  • 9:15am – Drive to Detroit Central Catholic HS, 27225 Wixom Rd, Novi, MI 48374
  • 9:45am – Arrive/Setup
  • 10:00am – Clinic with Mr. Bonathan, Central Catholic Band Director
  • 10:40am – School Tour
  • 11:10am – Drive to Dave & Busters, 19375 Victor Pkwy, Livonia, MI 48152
  • 11:30am – Food & Games at Dave & Buster’s
  • 1:30pm – Drive to St. Regis
  • 2:00pm – Students arrive and return to classes // or, drivers may take their student with them and leave for the day
Posted in Academy Band, Band

Band Kickoff & Lock-In Fri, Feb 7

All band students are invited to attend our annual Band Kickoff & Lock-in on Friday, February 7. This event will kick off our Exploring Band unit in 4th grade music, and professional musicians will be present to assist beginners in learning the basics on their instruments as well as coach our experienced band students. We will rotate between small group instruction, full group instruction, and fun & games. The evening will culminate with a pizza party! Students have the option to stay overnight for our Lock-In, or families can pick them up in the evening when it is convenient. More information and a permission form (page 4) are linked below. These permission forms are due Friday, January 31.
The last page is for chaperones and donations (page 5). We rely on volunteers to make this annual event a success. Please consider volunteering to help supervise activities in the evening, or to stay overnight. If we do not have enough volunteers to stay overnight, we will cancel the overnight portion of this event. In order to volunteer, you need to have completed all volunteer requirements for St. Regis, including 1) Protecting God’s Children, 2) BCI form, and 3) Code of Conduct.
Posted in 4th Grade Exploring Band, 5th Grade Band, Academy Band, Band

4th Grade Instrument Testing Night

4th Grade Families,
We were thrilled that so many students and families attended this evening’s instrument testing meeting. Here is a link to the information that was passed out this evening. Please look it over and let me know if you have any questions.
Posted in 4th Grade Exploring Band, Band

2nd Semester Band Schedule

Grades 5-8 Current and Former Band Students,
If your student is interested in participating in activities and field trips with the Academy Band (grades 5 & 6) or the Advanced Academy Band (grades 7 & 8) this semester, here is our activity and rehearsal schedule for the 2nd semester. To sign-up, click this Remind sign-up link or text @stregisb to the number 81010. Last Day to sign up to participate for the 2nd semester is Monday, February 3. Email me if you have any questions.
Band Activity Schedule
  • Friday, February 7 – Band Lock-In @6:30pm in Father Shields Room
  • Thursday, March 6 – Band Clinic & Field Trip to Dave & Buster’s
  • Wednesday, May 14 – Band Concert @6:30pm in St. Regis Gym
  • Friday, May 16 – Parade @CedarPoint
Band Rehearsal Schedule
  • Academy Band (grades 5 & 6) – Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:45-8:15am
  • Advanced Academy Band (grades 7 & 8) – Wednesdays & Fridays from 7:45-8:15am
Posted in 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, 7th Grade Band, 8th Grade Band, Academy Band, Band

4th Grade Band Instrument Testing Night – Tues, Jan 14, 6pm

4th Grade Families,
We will be starting our Exploring Band Unit in 4th grade music class next quarter. The attached letter is going home with students this week. Last year, the 4th graders enjoyed it a lot, and this year’s 4th graders have not stopped asking about it!
Please do not purchase or rent an instrument until we have had a chance to test the instruments out and figure out which one is the right fit for your student. We’ll have a meeting on January 14 at 6:00pm in the Father Shields Room for students to try out all the band instruments and to answer all your questions. Please put this date on your calendar. If you can’t attend, I can email you the info, but you might have to make a special trip to the music store for your student to try out the instruments and decide which one they would like to explore during our unit. 
Posted in 4th Grade, Band

Journey to Christmas

Thank you so much for attending our Christmas concert, “Journey to Christmas.” The students have worked so hard to share their gifts and talents with you this evening. We hope that you will experience God’s presence this evening through our music. St. Augustine once said that singing is “praying twice.” So tonight, we invite you to join us in prayer as we journey through Advent and into the Christmas season!

Sadly, this may be our last time celebrating this event in the sanctuary, which is too small to accommodate our large group of students and audience. We are looking for other options that will allow us to continue to have this wonderful event in a larger space or in a different format. If you have any suggestions for alternate venues, or formats, or anything related to tonight’s event, please feel free to complete this online form: St. Regis Christmas Concert Feedback Form

Posted in Performances

SignUpGenius for Disney Jr. Musical

The SignUpGenius is now up and running for our 2nd semester Disney Jr. Musical. This after school enrichment program is available for students in grades 1-3. See all the details on the Jr. Musical page.

Posted in Jr. Musical

Jr. Ambassadors Update

Wow! Great job at the Winter Markt in Birmingham on Sunday! I hope you all enjoyed the performance. Here are a few updates to round out our semester —
  • Wednesday, December 11 – Rehearsal after school, as normal
  • Thursday, December 12 – The Christmas Concert is in the evening and you should have information that has been sent home and posted in the E-News with all the details.
  • We will NOT be performing at the Senior Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 15 because I am out of town working for the Army that weekend. Instead, we will do a video performance that will be featured at the Gala and hopefully on Social Media. The plan is to record the video at our last rehearsal on Wednesday, December 18. Students should make sure to have their full school uniform that day for the video. Please no gym clothes or dress down passes or Spirit Wear or Christmas attire. We want to make sure everyone is looking their best in their school uniform for the video. This will all occur during our last regular rehearsal, so no need to adjust anything on your end. Pick up will be at the same time (4:15pm) in front of the school.
Thanks for your support!
Posted in Ambassadors

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