How can you support our fundraising efforts?

The music department has two fundraisers that we need your help with. Please review this information and let us know how you can support these fundraising efforts.

Open Mic Night is Friday, November 20, from 6:30-9:00PM in the Middle School Gym / Stage area. Tickets are on sale for $5, which includes coupons for two (2) free concession items. The event is available to people of all ages. We will have music playing on stage, dancing in the gym, and a coffee bar and hot chocolate on stage. My hope is that we can make this into a regular community event that happens each semester as a way for families to come together and have some fun singing, dancing, and enjoying some warm drinks. [It is not required that students attend this event.]

  • Country Gourmet in Napoleon is providing freshly ground coffee as well as flavored syrups to give your drinks a little bit of awesome!
  • Students who want to sell tickets will get $3 deposited in their student accounts through the PHMA (Patrick Henry Music Association) per ticket sold.
  • Children aged 4 years and younger get in free.
  • I am looking for about 8 volunteers to work the concession area in shifts of about 4 per shift (Setup shift = 6:00-8:00PM and last shift/cleanup = 8:00-10:00PM)
  • I also looking for a couple of volunteers to take tickets at the door and sell tickets to people who want to purchase tickets at the door. Admission at the door is also $5 and includes two coupons for concession items.
  • Volunteers do not need to pay admission to get in, and can still purchase items from the concession area to enjoy.

Fruit Sales starts November 13 and continues through November 30. Students who want to participate need to get permission from a parent and turn in a parent permission form. Students will then get a packet to collect orders along with instructions and order forms in class. We ask that money is collected at the time the order is placed. Make sure that you are completely filling out the order forms including the “Sold By” line. Without this we cannot give credit for the sale to you. All orders and money is due no later than November 30. You can turn orders and money in to the high school office any time during the sale. Please be sure to put money and orders in an envelope and write on the outside the student’s name and note that it is for the fruit sale. Be sure to get your final orders in no later than November 30 by the end of the school day. Payment for all fruit ordered must accompany the order.

  • Delivery: December 12, 2015– Pick up time is between 8:30 and 11:00 am. All fruit must be picked up during that time unless other arrangements have been made with Tracy Black. You can pick fruit up at the back door of the band room. Fruit must be delivered promptly! Any bad fruit must be reported to Tracy Black within 48 hours to receive replacement.
  • Student Fund: For each item sold $$$ will be applied to the student’s account as listed on the permission form.
  • This is our biggest fund raiser so SELL SELL SELL!!!!!
  • Any questions or concerns can be directed to Tracy Black, Fruit Sale Chair, at 419-278-0000 or 419-966-3067 or by email at
Posted in Boosters

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